SOLVED! GETTING UGLY MATCHEs ON TINDER 2019 7 REASON WHY HOW TO GET GOOD MATCHES ON TINDER Tinder has something called an ELO score. This is basically the number of times people have right swiped your profile vs the number of times that you right swipe someone’s profile. Generally speaking, women are much less likely to right swipe in general than a man. Because, with us men, what we find attractive so much easier to figure out. Whereas that’s not the case with women. What’s more, is that women will have FAR more choice than men when it comes to online dating because men typically outnumber women when it comes to dating. For women, online dating looks a lot like this: All of that combined to say that you have a much lower chance of getting right swiped than even an average woman. The exception is, is if you are a model yourself. Then you’ll find online dating to be incredibly easy even if you have shitty pictures. But there’s other g...