Tinder has something called an ELO score. This is basically the number of times people have right swiped your profile vs the number of times that you right swipe someone’s profile.
Generally speaking, women are much less likely to right swipe in general than a man. Because, with us men, what we find attractive so much easier to figure out. Whereas that’s not the case with women. What’s more, is that women will have FAR more choice than men when it comes to online dating because men typically outnumber women when it comes to dating.
For women, online dating looks a lot like this:
All of that combined to say that you have a much lower chance of getting right swiped than even an average woman. The exception is, is if you are a model yourself. Then you’ll find online dating to be incredibly easy even if you have shitty pictures.
But there’s other good news for us regular folk. Most men have GOD AWFUL pictures on their profiles. Like… the same pose, the same clothes and the same flip phone camera pics… all taken seconds apart…
It’s bad…
The bar is set pretty low and it’s not at all difficult, even with cell phone pictures, to rise above most other guys and get above average results (which is typically celibacy).
In order to avoid being like poor Donkey you just need to put a little bit of effort into your pictures.
Have a picture of you doing something outside that shows your body. Have a good picture of you smiling and an additional pic or two of you doing something you enjoy doing. And keep group pictures to a minimum of one and at the end of your photo lineup.
Also, no pics with your ex girlfriend or anyone that can be construed as your ex girlfriend (even if it’s your sister). Because of the overabundance of choice women will left swipe the girly pics.
If you can, use an actual camera when taking your pictures. You’re going to get clear and crisp photos which will allow people to actually see what you look like. Not like one of those “have you seen this man” photos.
When I was first learning this stuff I got as good as pictures as could probably be gotten using only my iPhone. Then when I got a camera I took new pictures that were boring, but very clear.
Both profiles performed about the same. The boring, but clear pictures did ever so slightly better but were still about even as the great cell phone pictures that you could barely see. Both together (great poses/subject matter in pics + crisp and clear) was absolutely dynamite.
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